Case Management Services at Radiant Health Centers

Comprehensive Care Coordination

At Radiant Health Centers, we make sure our patients with complex health needs get the right care. Our case management services help you navigate seeing multiple specialists. Our dedicated case managers are your main point of contact. They help coordinate your care, schedule appointments, and ensure you get the services and resources you need.

Our Case Managers Can Help With:

  • Accessing and navigating medical care
  • Food pantry
  • Mental health counseling
  • Housing
  • Benefits assistance
  • Medication assistance

Patient-Centered Collaboration

Case management is all about working together. First, we assess your needs, then we create a plan just for you. Our case managers coordinate the medical care and other types of services you need and check if they are working well. At Radiant Health Centers, we offer these services to eligible perinatal, pediatric, and HIV care patients in Orange County.

Assistance for People Experiencing Homelessness

Radiant Health Centers provides intensive case management for patients experiencing homelessness in Orange County. Our case managers assess your needs and work with you to create a plan. Our activities include:

  • Outreach and engagement, meeting you where you are
  • Linking you to Radiant’s services (medical, dental, mental health care, benefits enrollment, housing navigation)
  • Referrals to partner agencies for housing, shelter, food, legal, and other support services

Our Case Management Services Include:

  • Assessing and determining your needs and goals
  • Providing assistance or referrals for homelessness-related issues
  • Developing and supporting care plans to help you reach your goals
  • Linking you to medical, psychiatric, social, food, educational, and other necessary services
  • Meeting you in your current environment to provide case management services
  • Collaborating with medical providers to implement treatment and management plans, addressing barriers to meeting health goals
  • Assisting in establishing benefits or income support

Housing Assistance

Radiant Health Centers provides a range of housing-related services. Eligible clients can receive financial assistance for rent, mortgage payments, utilities, rental deposits, emergency housing and short-term supportive housing.

People experiencing housing insecurity regardless of HIV status may have short-term or long-term requirements. Therefore, case managers work with many organizations to meet individual needs. Some of the available options include:

  • Emergency financial assistance
  • Utility assistance
  • Short-Term Assistance for Rent (STAR)
  • Rental and utility deposit assistance
  • Short-term supportive housing
  • Rental Assistance Program (RAP)

Our case management services are here to give you the support and resources you need to achieve your health and life goals. At Radiant Health Centers, we believe in providing comprehensive care for everyone, including our LGBTQ+ and HIV-positive patients.

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