Our Services
Social Services
Benefits Counseling: We provide expert guidance to public and private benefits program.
Financial Assistance: Funding for medications, insurance and housing emergencies for our clients.
Food Pantry & Nutritional Support: We help our clients with groceries, vitamins and dietary supplements.
Health Education & Prevention
Treatment educators help clients partner with their physicians to make informed choices and maximize the benefits of HIV treatments. Prevention educators work with those who are at risk of being exposed to HIV and those who are at risk of transmitting HIV to stop the transmission of HIV in our community.
We also offer a Speakers’ Bureau, life skills and exercise programs.
Social Services
Housing Services: Rental assistance programs, transitional housing placement, referrals to safe/affordable housing and public assistance programs are available to our clients.
Transportation: Through public (bus passes and ACCESS fare coupons) and private (taxis and Radiant Health Centers vans) means, we transport clients to health care and social services appointments.
Wilbur May Family & Children’s Programs: Support groups and counseling, annual family camps, and recreational outings nurture 6 to 12-year-old children and strengthen families.
Mental Health Services
Mental Health: We offer individual, couples and group counseling to HIV-infected people, helping them cope with HIV and life challenges. We provide chemical dependency counseling.
HIV Housing Programs in OC (Spanish) (link to PDF)
Housing Plus Project (Spanish) (link to PDF)
Title VI Notice (Spanish)
Title VI Complaint Procedures (Spanish)
Any person who believes she or he has been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint. For more information on our civil rights program, and the procedures to file a complaint, contact (949) 809-5700 or visit our office at 17982 Sky Park Circle, Suite J.
A complainant may file a complaint directly with the Federal Transit Administration by filing a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights, Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building, 5th Floor-TCR, 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE, Washington, DC 20590.
For information in another language, contact 949.809.5700.
> Notificación al público de los derechos bajo el título VI
> Título VI Procedimientos de Quejas
> Título VI Formulario de Quejas
> Title VI Complaint Form (Spanish)