Volunteer Opportunities in Orange County
Radiant Health Center’s tradition of caring was started in 1985 by a small but dedicated group of volunteers. Today, volunteers are critical to the continued success of Radiant Health Centers. We are very grateful for the everyday contributions these special heroes make to us and to our clients.
Thank you for your interest in helping those living with HIV disease in Orange County to live better, healthier lives and in helping ensure health equity for our LGBTQ+ community.
List of Volunteer Opportunities
The following are brief descriptions of the volunteer opportunities we have to offer. Whether you volunteer once a week or once a year, we truly appreciate your service to the clients we serve. Volunteers help save Radiant Health Centers hundreds of thousands of dollars each year thereby allowing for expanded client services.
Our food pantry program provides groceries to our clients twice a month, either via pick-up at our pantry or via delivery for those who are homebound. Our packing volunteers who work on-site in the food pantry help pack food orders and stock shelves, call clients to place food orders, and perform other organizational tasks such as maintaining client files and inventory. Our delivery volunteers pick up food orders from our food pantry and drop the groceries off at clients’ doorsteps.