HIV testing services in Irvine

As the largest LGBTQ+ medical clinic in Orange County, Radiant Health Centers is encouraging the community to know their HIV status and stay protected. Our HIV testing services play a crucial part in the early detection of HIV for so many people. However, countless others could also benefit from our services. Our goal is to give access to those most at risk from the virus by providing free HIV testing for the uninsured or underinsured provided by the California Department of Public Health Strategic Rapid ART grant. Those with insurance can also access our testing and treatment in a stigma-free environment.

Treating HIV Starts With Knowing Your Status

According to data from UNAIDS, 38.4 million people globally were living with HIV in 2021, but 28.7 million were accessing antiretroviral therapy. Further data suggests that last year, around 85% of people with HIV knew their status. While this figure shows considerable improvement from years past, the targeted figure of 90% (that was set for 2020) has not been reached. In brief, increasing knowledge about the importance of HIV testing and improving access to services is vital to improving status awareness.

Why Knowing Your HIV Status Is so Important

Knowing your status provides personal benefits – and broader societal benefits for the Orange County community. In many cases, a person can feel fine, exhibiting no clear signs of HIV, yet may still test positive. Because physical symptoms are not reliable indicators, the need for testing is very real.

Not only does HIV testing help prevent passing the virus to others, it also ensures people can get fast access to PEP or Rapid ART treatments. And as we’ve seen with events like the National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, educating about benefits can lead to behavioral changes within the community.

Who Should Get Tested for HIV?

If you have concerns about exposure to HIV, you should make an immediate appointment at Radiant Health Centers’ Irvine medical clinic for testing as soon as possible. The CDC recommends that everyone between ages 13 and 64 get tested at least once for HIV. In addition, you should get a test if you have had sex with someone whose sexual history you don’t know.

Improving HIV Testing Accessibility

One of the primary concerns for people most at risk for HIV is accessibility to testing and treatment. Factors including travel distance, costs and stigma may prevent individuals from knowing their status. At Radiant Health Centers, we aim to improve accessibility with free HIV testing options for the uninsured provided by the California Department of Public Health Strategic Rapid ART grant. We also offer easy access to treatment, telehealth support and virtual counseling and mental health support.

Safe and Confidential HIV Testing Services in Orange County

Radiant Health Centers provides free HIV, STD and hepatitis C testing from our Irvine medical clinic. When you want to access testing, treatment or counseling services in Orange County, Radiant Health Centers works with the LGBTQ+ community to meet these needs. Call (949) 809-5700 for general inquiries.