Making HIV and STD testing quick and accessible is part of Radiant Health Center’s efforts in advancing LGBTQ+ health equity and ending the HIV epidemic in Orange County 

Irvine, Calif. (Oct. 22, 2020) – Radiant Health Centers, a nonprofit specializing in LGBTQ+ specialized medical care and comprehensive social services to Orange County, has begun offering free drive-up rapid HIV testing to the Orange County community. The program is by-appointment-only and offers a complete HIV testing experience, including pre-appointment consultation and PrEP or PEP prescriptions, based on test results.

The drive-up testing process includes counseling and education over the phone before the appointment to minimize physical interaction with testing staff while also providing clients with helpful information to facilitate a supportive experience. All appointments are private and confidential. Clients arrive at Radiant Health Centers’ location for their scheduled appointment where the testing counselor administers the test while the client remains safely in their vehicle. Results are available in a minute and treatment or prescriptions are made available that same day.

Radiant Health Centers Drive-up HIV Testing

“Since the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve been constantly reimagining how we provide our programs and services,” said Phil Yaeger, CEO of Radiant Health Centers. “One of the services where we see the highest demand is our HIV and STI testing and treatment. Early during the pandemic, we deployed at-home HIV testing kits. Our drive-up HIV testing program offers the same level of confidentiality and compassion with more in-person interaction. Everything we do complies with CDC guidelines and we’re proud to continue our outreach to the community – especially our more vulnerable populations – safely and healthily.”

The free drive-up HIV testing appointments are available on Mondays between 12 – 4 p.m. Appointments can be made by calling (949) 809-5700. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) services and referrals are also available by phone. Learn more about Radiant Health Centers’ testing services.

Radiant Health Centers provides the LGBTQ+ community medical services that are compassionate and comprehensive while continuing to serve those living with and affected by HIV. Learn more at     

Members of the Orange County LGBTQ+ community participating in the AIDS Walk

“After 34 years we weren’t going to back down now when the need is greater than ever for our clients,” says Radiant Health Centers’ chief development officer, Susan Caumiant. “We are adamant in doing everything in our power to move forward in support of the more than 7,000 individuals living with HIV/AIDS in Orange County. We also knew that those who are fortunate enough to be able to give at this time will want to give to a cause like ours which provides health care equity for all.”

Click here to read the full article.

Radiant Health Centers – Irvine LGBTQ Center Receives Grant

La oficina de Radiant Health Centers estará cerrada hasta nuevo aviso. Las citas con los clientes continuarán por teléfono y conferencias de telesalud.
La entrega de despensa a nuestros clientes más vulnerables continuará. Manténgase conectado para actualizaciones.


Radiant Health Centers está tomando pasos para alinearnos con Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC por sus signas en inglés) para asegurar que guías y métodos de prevención de infección estarán en plazo. Seguiremos monitoreando la situación y actualizaremos regularmente. Estrategias creativas serán implementadas de acuerdo las necesidades de nuestros clientes ya como se vaya desarrollando la situación.

Nuestros empleados han sido notificados para realizar un esfuerzo concentrado para usar etiqueta de salud apropiada como:

  • Con frecuencia lavar las manos con jabón y agua tibia durante 20 segundos
  • Cubrir la boca cuando toza y estornude con una servilleta, luego tírala a la basura
  • Evitar contacto cercano con personas que estén enfermas
  • Evitar tocarse los ojos, nariz, y boca
  • Evitar compartir artículos personales con otros compañeros de trabajo
  • Minimizar saludos de mano y abrazos
  • Cuando sea posible, mantener una distancia social sea posible por lo menos 2 pies entre usted y otras personas
  • Quedarse en casa si este enfermo y buscar cuidado médico apropiado

Radiant Health Centers se adquirirá a los siguientes protocolos:

  • Servicios médicos individuales y de servicios sociales continuaran a ser ofrecidos dentro de nuestro horario normal en horas de oficina.
  • Actividades de grupos serán canceladas hasta nuevo aviso.
  • La frecuencia de limpieza ambiental de espacio de trabajo compartido, equipo y muebles serán limpiados con frecuencia.
  • Empleados que tengan síntomas de gripa serán enviados a casa.
  • Empleados no tendrán obligación de atender conferencias grandes. No hay prohibición sobre conferencias en este tiempo, pero deberían ser consultados con el supervisor.
  • Se alerta a cliente a realizar citas para visitas y el personal evaluara el estado de salud durante la llamada. Clientes que estén experimentando síntomas de gripa se les proveerán instrucciones de cuidado de salud.
  • Clientes que lleguen a la oficina y muestran síntomas de COVID-19 serán inmediatamente aisladas, les proveerán una mascarilla y serán conectadas con la Agencia de Salud Publica para opciones de cuidado.

Radiant Health Centers se estará dirigiendo en lo siguiente:

  • Preparar el personal para trabajar desde casa y pudiera animarlos a hacerlo según se desarrolle la situación.
  • Asesorar sesiones de trabajo, juntas o eventos y considerar otras opciones basado en caso por caso, reduciendo, posponiendo o conduciéndolas por teléfono o electrónicamente.
  • Radiant Health Centers actualmente no provee exámenes para el Coronavirus pero seguirá monitoreando la situación y asistiremos al CDC si es solicitado.

Recursos de información acerca de COVID-19:

OC Health Care Agency información acerca de COVID-19 puede ser encontrada en:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention información nacional acerca de COVID-19 puede ser encontrada en:

Irvine, Calif. (Jan. 20, 2020) – Hoag’s Community Benefits Program has announced a generous gift of $25,000 to support Radiant Health Centers’ HIV Case Management services.

“We are incredibly grateful for Hoag’s support,” said Phil Yaeger, executive director and CEO of Radiant Health Centers. “This grant will truly make a difference in the lives of nearly 7,000 people living with HIV in Orange County.”

While HIV has become a manageable condition, people living with HIV still face stigma and must take costly medications every day for the rest of their lives, which can have long-term side effects. Radiant Health Centers’ case management program helps clients navigate their medical needs and resources and offers mental health counseling, nutrition support, peer support, transportation, and financial and housing assistance to those living with HIV.

“This grant will go a long way in helping us get to zero new HIV transmissions and zero deaths from AIDS,” said Yaeger.

Learn more about Radiant Health Centers’ Case Management program.

About Radiant Health Centers

Radiant Health Centers (formerly AIDS Services Foundation) provides the LGBTQ+ community medical services that are compassionate and comprehensive while continuing to serve those living with and affected by HIV. Learn more at


Media contact:
Sandra Wellhausen
C: (619) 245-8866