National LGBTQ Health Awareness Week in Irvine

This week, March 20th–24th, 2023, Radiant Health Centers will join together with thousands of individuals, organizations and media outlets to recognize National LGBTQ Health Awareness Week. As the largest LGBTQ+ medical clinic in Orange County, raising awareness of the physical and mental health challenges faced by many in the community is close to our hearts. As always, this period provides a unique opportunity to impact the health of a great number of LGBTQ+ people across Orange County.

National LGBTQ Health Awareness Week Is Here

Each year, National LGBTQ Health Awareness Week is a chance to reach a broad audience to discuss LGBTQ+ health issues. With many people in the community struggling to access inclusive, compassionate and affirming healthcare services, this week helps shine a light on the persistent challenges.

There are many ways you can support LGBTQ+ health equity in Orange County, but spreading the word to a wider audience takes a united effort. With issues ranging from accessibility of HIV care and a lack of youth services to mental health and trans health issues, National LGBTQ Health Awareness Week is a further opportunity to end the stigma and promote healthy living for all.

The Importance of National LGBTQ Health Awareness Week

Last year’s 20th National LGBTQ Health Awareness Week broke records, and really highlighted the power of collaboration within the community. In total, 13.3 million people were reached through social media channels. Forty media outlets reported on the many events as thousands of participants contributed to valuable conversations on LGBTQ+ health.

How Radiant Health Centers Contributes to Improving LGBTQ+ Health

At Radiant Health Centers, we have been at the forefront of LGBTQ+ healthcare in Orange County for more than 30 years. Many of the goals of this vital week align perfectly with our mission of delivering compassionate, stigma-free healthcare.

We have significantly expanded our services from our beginnings as a volunteer-led organization providing support during the AIDS epidemic. Patients can now visit our Irvine medical clinic for HIV testing and treatment, family planning, hormone replacement therapy and STD testing. These services are offered in a confidential, knowledgeable and LGBTQ+-friendly environment where we are committed to improving the health of our clients.

Over the years we have also grown our primary medical care services to better provide for Orange County’s LGBTQ+ community. Our services include everything from health screenings to chronic disease management. And during National LGBTQ Health Awareness Week we will continue to work towards improving health outcomes for now, and long into the future.

Orange County’s Leading LGBTQ+ Primary Care and Medical Clinic

Radiant Health Centers provides safe and reliable healthcare services from our Irvine medical clinic. For access to patient-focused HIV treatment, STD testing, primary care services and counseling, contact us today. Call (949) 809-5700 or request an appointment now.

Image Credit – Oxana Bazarova/